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Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

The Result of MGMP meeting in SMA 1 Bansri on Wednesday May 23, 2012.

All English teacher should speak English when they meet each other wherever and whenever.
It can be a model in learning for the students. How the student would speak English if they never see their teachers don't  do the same.
This is the reason how important to create a new habit.
The students also need motivation and chance in expressing their need, expressing their opinion or ideas.
To improve or to increase the skill or ability to speak, there is only one way; that is practice, practice, and practice.

Other result of the meeting was the competition of English. The event will be held next October in SMA Teladan Way Jepara, said the coordinator of event Mr. Pai.

The following MGMP meeting will be held in September at SMA Minhajut Thulab Way Jepara.

See you later!